Contact Us

Exhibiting Queries

Sherri Pearson
Exhibition Manager
+61 3 8669 3265

Speaker & Conference Queries

Sherri Pearson
Exhibition Manager
+61 3 8669 3265

Marketing Queries

Dina Ahmad
Marketing Manager
+61 2 9422 2577

Visiting Queries

Customer Service Team
Tel: +61 (2) 9422 2955

Postal Address

Reed Exhibitions Australia
Locked Bag 7888
Chatswood DC NSW 2067

Office Address

Reed Exhibitions Australia
Level 1, Tower 2
475 Victoria Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067

PLEASE NOTE: From time to time, Waste Expo Australia's exhibitors may be contacted by third parties purporting to sell data on the attendees of Waste Expo Australia. These offers are FRAUDULENT and are in no way connected with Waste Expo Australia or RX. RX does NOT sell any attendee data lists and any such emails should be treated as spam. If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of a potentially fraudulent offer related to Waste Expo Australia, please contact your sales associate.

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