10 October 2024


There’s less than two weeks left before Waste Expo 2024 kicks off on 23-24 October. The two-day exhibition held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre expects to see over 3,000 attendees pass through the doors.


Over 110 exhibitors will display their waste management products and services for attendees and industry professionals, alongside a conference which sees 100+ speakers share their insights and experience across 50 sessions and four streams. This year's conference streams cover circular economy, government policy, waste to energy, commercial industrial and construction and demolition.


Located on the Exhibition floor, the newly introduced Government Lounge will act as a hub for discussions and insights into the future of waste management and sustainability in Victoria. This new addition is a space for the waste management industry to connect with several government agencies, including Sustainability Victoria, Recycling Victoria and EPA Victoria.


With a new three-year strategic plan in place, Sustainability Victoria CEO Matt Genever is eager to share his learnings thus far and build the case for circular economies in Victoria to close the loop between recycling, design and manufacturing.


“Circularity is the way forward for not only Victoria but all of Australia. Our plan outlines priorities for accelerating Victoria’s transition to a climate resilient circular economy.


We need to work closely and collaboratively with our government colleagues and the Government Lounge is a perfect platform from which to share our strategic plan with likeminded people. We hope that those sitting in on this session can take valuable insights back to their teams to aid in the wider transition to circular economies.”


Recycling Victoria is building a more sustainable and stronger circular economy through leadership and oversight of waste, recycling and resource recovery services. Tony Circelli, Head Recycling Victoria, says that their statewide focus on implementing reforms to build reliability and transparency in the sector is an important step towards the circular economy and one which the team intends to share at Waste Expo’s Government Lounge.


“In partnership with state and local government, industry and community, we are working to pursue market growth and investment, build capacity, resilience and reliability ink the sector, whilst maximising the ongoing use and value of products and materials. We will be using the Government Lounge’s platform to discuss some of our areas of focus, including market data and insights, the inaugural Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan, early outcomes from the Container Deposit Scheme and progress on the Waste to Energy Scheme.”


As Victoria's environmental regulator, EPA Victoria plays a crucial role in shaping the state's approach to waste management. CEO of EPA Lee Miezis highlights the importance of collaboration and shared responsibility in addressing the complex challenges of waste.


“We face many complex challenges when dealing with waste and everyone has a part to play in the solution. Our Government Lounge session will aim to share our current priorities for facing the challenges head-on.


We’ll also have a Q&A forum where our experts can help participants learn what they need to know about waste management for 2024-2025.”


Across the 23rd and 24th October, attendees will be spoilt for choice with the exhibition, conference, networking events, and a breakfast session with Victorian Waste Management Association. Exhibitor spots are sold out, with a record attendance expected and an exciting co-location with All-Energy 2024 meaning that Waste Expo 2024 is not to be missed.


Waste Expo Australia’s exhibition and conference are free to attend. There is also a VIP ticket option available, including catering and access to recordings of conference presentations. Register online ahead of the conference to avoid queueing on the day, by visiting wasteexpoaustralia.com.au


Waste Expo Australia
23 & 24 October 2023
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (MCEC) 

For more information, imagery, and interview requests, please contact:

Sarah-Joy Pierce
0431 556 640
[email protected]